The Helo Medical Data Device is a creative health technology. With its cool design and different abilities, the way it controls your health. So you can go against privacy breaches. In this digital age, Big Tech’s appetite threatens our data, the Helo Medical Data Device appears to be the most closely secret. In a world where data is the most important, Helo allows us to know our health fate or luck, this helps safeguard our well-being with enduring attention.

Please Watch this presentation below

You be able to control your Health Data and to benefit from it. Through the Socialfi and Healthfi programs within this Inpersona Solution.

Take a look at this website Inpersona.Com

1) Downloading the Free In-person App from the Apple Store or Google Play Store

2) Set up a New Account after you “Run” or “Open” the app. Need an “INVITE CODE” which is below


Please reply to our email system (GO to the Right), or you can call us at the RRR247 Support Line at 1-877-310-5353. Can get our Instructors. Online community here

3) Now set up your Crypto Wallet within the HELO App. Create your Wallet to get Rewards paid out in USDV tokens (This is CASH). Created by Health Data. Earn Today.


Options 2 and 3: Importing your existing wallets.

4) Select your Level of NFT: An NFT is used to store the actual Data. Here is a Presentation on our NFT: (PLEASE LOOK AT THIS)

You will have an understanding of what and how it works. The higher the NFT Level the more YOU WILL EARN.


  1. From your Helo App select the “GLOBE” which is on the bottom part.
  2. Web Browser within the app.
  3. Apple Users type in m.inpersona.com and then hit the “GO” Button.
  4. Android User type in m.inpersona.com is all ready for you. Hit the “Go Button”.
  5. NEXT: Show you what NFT is.
  6. Select your NFT. The higher the levels more you will Earn.
  7. Then be walked through the Payment Process. If you need help, please see the troubleshooting below.

After NFT is Paid for

  1. Get your Helo Device through NFT, under your Home Page. If you do not see it, change your “CHAIN” to Vyvo Smart Chain, Polygon, or Binance Smart Chain.
  2. From Helo, the email will be sent to you. Get the “Free Voucher” code for your device. Received at HeloHealth.com.

5) Helo Device Activated. This will be ordered and sent to you. Use your App to start the process. Go through step-to-step instructions.


You wear it and earn, but also protect yourself and your family. Share this with others, and use your Invite Codes from your Hub Consoles as part of the NFT Process.

Ordering Device, use PROMO CODE: INP817462427


10{4c82e251a751358f063d78179d3f249c553a4af2463ac454ee03398d4eebea0e} on your Helo Device.


The internal support team is there to help. Submit tickets from the Helo app. Please go to the right of your screen, you will be entered into our email system. You can directly get us at any time.


Our health and our Loved Ones

With Helo Devices, we can monitor our Health 24/7 throughout the year and in real-time. We are happy that we found this. Technology says a lot.

Key things that it does for us

  • DELICIOUS WINE (Red and White) This is Real, you can get your Wine over a month. GET IT HERE.
  • These Bio-Hacking Products We know that they WORK. We have seen how our Health has improved over time by using these products. PLEASE GO TO THIS SITE