Bio-hacking EMF Protection is a Concern for lots of people. There are health risks that we need to Protect all of us from. So we need to have practical steps to lower radiation exposure, especially for your Loved Ones. There is a big Concern for me and my Family and I will get this Necklace whenever I can. I have not gotten this Necklace because I can’t afford it, but don’t get me wrong, I will get it because I feel it will help me.


You need to Protect yourself and your Family from EMF because it can cause Sleep Disturbances, Headache, Depression, Tiredness and Fatigue, Lack of Concentration, Changes in Memory, Dizziness, irritability, Loss of Weight and Appetite, and Restlessness and Anxiety. I can relate to all of these because I get most of them. So when it comes to EMF Radiation you need to Educate yourself about how it Affects your Health and how to Protect your Families. Spend less time on Electronic Devices: Especially those with high levels of EMF like cell phones Wi-Fi routers and Computers. Keep the Device away from your Ears: When using a cell phone, use the speakerphone or headset to protect you from the effects of the Device close to your Ear.

EMF Protection

Wi-Fi Turn off: Best to use a wired connection for your computer. Devices not close to you: Need a safe distance for EMF devices and avoid cell phones close to your body when you are not on them. Harmful Materials: There are products on the market that shield exposure like EMF-blocking cases for devices, EMF-shielding clothing, and paint. Advice to research these. Meter Levels: Buy yourself this EMF level in your home that helps you to see how much exposure is in your home, so you can make a good decision about EMF.

Smart Meters: Be careful when using smart home devices, which can contain EMF, so test them out. Technology that reduces EMF: Some companies offer technology to help you get rid of the EMF in your home, but do the research and read the reviews. Cell Towers: Be careful with the cell towers and power lines near your home. Free Zones Not Allowed. Look for the areas of EMF-free zones. With all of this said, Now you want something that can help you. GET YOUR EMF PROTECTION TODAY

MEDICAL DATA DEVICE This Device is all electronic that monitors your heartbeat, so you can take control of your health and fix it when you need to. So when you have health problems like I do, you will enjoy this product because it will alert you to what is going on with your health. So pay attention to what it says and get to a doctor when you can.